前情回顾:当节点成为 Leader 时会为每个 Follower 创建 Replicator
,并通过发送空的 AppendEntries
请求确认各 Follower 的 nextIndex
客户端通过 Node::apply
接口向 Leader 提交操作日志
Leader 向本地追加日志:
3.1 为日志分配 index
3.3 唤醒所有 Replicator
准备向 Follower 同步日志
Leader 的 Replicator
将内存中的日志通过 AppendEntries
请求并行地复制给所有 Follower
Follower 收到 AppenEntries
Leader 若收到大多数确定,则提交日志,更新 commitIndex
Leader 调用用户状态机的 on_apply
待 on_apply
返回后,更新 applyIndex
日志复制是树形复制的模型,采用本地写入和复制同时进行的方式,并且只要大多数写入成功就可以应用日志,不必等待 Leader 本地写入成功。
实现利用异步+并行,全程流水线式处理,并且全链路采用了 Batch,整体十分高效:
Batch:全链路 Batch,包括持久化、复制以及应用
异步:Leader 和 Follower 的日志持久化都是异步的
并行:Leader 本地持久化和复制是并行的,并且开启 pipeline
关于性能优化的详情,可参考<4.2 复制优化> 。
节点在刚成为 Leader 时会为每个 Follower 创建一个 Replicator
,其运行在单独的 bthread
记录 Follower 的一些状态,如 nextIndex
作为 RPC Client,所有从 Leader 发往 Follower 的 RPC 请求都由它发送,包括心跳、AppendEntriesRequest
会不断地向 Follower 同步日志,直到 Follower 成功复制了 Leader 的所有日志,之后将在后台等待新日志的到来
是 Leader 记录下一个要发往 Follower 的日志 index
,只有确认了 nextIndex
才能给 Follower 发送日志,不然不知道要给 Follower 发送哪些日志。
节点刚成为 Leader 时是不知道每个 Follower 的 nextIndex
(1) matchIndex
为最后一条 Leader 与 Follower 匹配的日志,而 nextIndex=matchIndex+1
(2) 初始化 matchIndex
为当前 Leader 的最后一条日志的 index
(3) Leader 发送探测请求,携带 matchIndex
以及 matchIndex
日志对应的 term
(4) Follower 接收请求后,根据自身日志获取 matchIndex
对应的 term
若和请求中的 term
若日志不存在或者 term
不管成功失败,响应中都携自身的 lastLogIndex
(5) Leader 接收到成功响应,则表示探测成功;否则回退 matchIndex
并重复步骤 (3):
若 Follower 的 lastLogIndex<matchIndex
,则回退 matchIndex
为 lastLogIndex
否则回退 matchIndex
为 matchIndex-1
下图展示的是一次探测过程,图中的数字代表的是日志的 term
相关 RPC
Copy enum EntryType {
message EntryMeta {
required int64 term = 1 ;
required EntryType type = 2 ;
repeated string peers = 3 ;
optional int64 data_len = 4 ;
// Don't change field id of `old_peers' in the consideration of backward
// compatibility
repeated string old_peers = 5 ;
message AppendEntriesRequest {
required string group_id = 1 ;
required string server_id = 2 ;
required string peer_id = 3 ;
required int64 term = 4 ;
required int64 prev_log_term = 5 ; // matchIndex
required int64 prev_log_index = 6 ; // matchIndex
repeated EntryMeta entries = 7 ;
required int64 committed_index = 8 ;
message AppendEntriesResponse {
required int64 term = 1 ;
required bool success = 2 ;
optional int64 last_log_index = 3 ;
optional bool readonly = 4 ;
service RaftService {
rpc append_entries (AppendEntriesRequest) returns (AppendEntriesResponse);
需要注意的是,探测 nextIndex
、心跳、复制日志都是用的 append_entries
除以上 2 个参数不同外,其余的参数都是一样的
Copy class Node {
public :
// [Thread-safe and wait-free]
// apply task to the replicated-state-machine
// About the ownership:
// |task.data|: for the performance consideration, we will take away the
// content. If you want keep the content, copy it before call
// this function
// |task.done|: If the data is successfully committed to the raft group. We
// will pass the ownership to StateMachine::on_apply.
// Otherwise we will specify the error and call it.
void apply ( const Task & task);
Copy class StateMachine {
public :
// Update the StateMachine with a batch a tasks that can be accessed
// through |iterator|.
// Invoked when one or more tasks that were passed to Node::apply have been
// committed to the raft group (quorum of the group peers have received
// those tasks and stored them on the backing storage).
// Once this function returns to the caller, we will regard all the iterated
// tasks through |iter| have been successfully applied. And if you didn't
// apply all the the given tasks, we would regard this as a critical error
// and report a error whose type is ERROR_TYPE_STATE_MACHINE.
virtual void on_apply (::braft :: Iterator & iter) = 0 ;
前置阶段:确定 nextIndex
在创建时会通过发送空的 AppendEntries
请求来探测 Follower 的 nextIndex
,只有确定了 nextIndex
才能正式向 Follower 发送日志。具体的匹配算法我们已经在 nextIndex 中详细介绍过了。
发送 AE
调用 _send_empty_entries
向 Follower 发送空的 AppendEntries
请求,并设置响应回调函数为 _on_rpc_returned
Copy void Replicator :: _send_empty_entries ( bool is_heartbeat) {
// (1) 填充请求中的字段
if ( _fill_common_fields (
request . get () , _next_index - 1 , is_heartbeat) != 0 ) {
// (2) 设置响应回调函数为 _on_rpc_returned
google :: protobuf :: Closure * done = brpc :: NewCallback (
is_heartbeat ? _on_heartbeat_returned : _on_rpc_returned , ...);
// (3) 发送空的 AppendEntries 请求
RaftService_Stub stub ( & _sending_channel);
stub . append_entries ( cntl . release () , request . release () ,
response . release () , done);
// 填充字段
int Replicator :: _fill_common_fields ( AppendEntriesRequest * request ,
int64_t prev_log_index ,
bool is_heartbeat) {
// 获取 matchIndex 对应的 term,我们称之为 matchTerm
const int64_t prev_log_term = _options . log_manager -> get_term (prev_log_index);
request -> set_term ( _options . term); // (1) 当前 Leader 的 term
request -> set_prev_log_index (prev_log_index); // (2) matchIndex
request -> set_prev_log_term (prev_log_term); // (3) matchTerm
return 0 ;
处理 AE
Follower 收到 AppendEntries
请求后,会调用 handle_append_entries_request
Copy void NodeImpl :: handle_append_entries_request (brpc :: Controller * cntl ,
const AppendEntriesRequest * request ,
AppendEntriesResponse * response ,
google :: protobuf :: Closure * done ,
bool from_append_entries_cache) {
const int64_t prev_log_index = request -> prev_log_index (); // macthIndex
const int64_t prev_log_term = request -> prev_log_term (); // macthTerm
const int64_t local_prev_log_term = _log_manager -> get_term (prev_log_index); // 获取 macthIndex 对应的 term
// (1) 如果本地的 term 和请求的 matchTerm 不一致,则代表日志不匹配,返回失败响应
if (local_prev_log_term != prev_log_term) {
int64_t last_index = _log_manager -> last_log_index ();
response -> set_success ( false ); // (1.1) 失败响应
response -> set_term (_current_term); // (1.2) 当前 term
response -> set_last_log_index (last_index); // (1.3) 携带当前节点的 lastLogIndex
return ;
// (2) 本地的 term 和请求的 matchTerm 一致,则代表日志匹配,返回成功响应
if ( request -> entries_size () == 0 ) {
response -> set_success ( true ); // (2.1) 成功响应
response -> set_term (_current_term); // (2.2) 当前 term
response -> set_last_log_index ( _log_manager -> last_log_index ()); // (2.3) 携带当前节点的 lastLogIndex
return ;
处理 AE
Leader 收到 AppendEntries
响应后,调用 on_rpc_returned
Copy void Replicator :: _on_rpc_returned ( ReplicatorId id , brpc :: Controller * cntl ,
AppendEntriesRequest * request ,
AppendEntriesResponse * response ,
int64_t rpc_send_time) {
// (1) 返回不匹配响应
// 注意:matchIndex = nextIndex - 1
// 其实代码中都是直接修改的 nextIndex,再在发送请求的时候设置 macthIndex = nextIndex - 1
// 但是为了便于理解,下面我们都将由 macthIndex 代替讲解
if ( ! response -> success ()) {
// (1.1) 如果 follower 的 lastLogIndex < matchIndex,则回退 matchIndex 到 lastLogIndex
if ( response -> last_log_index () + 1 < r -> _next_index) {
r -> _next_index = response -> last_log_index () + 1 ;
} else { // (1.2) 否则,将 macthIndex 设置为 matchIndex - 1
// The peer contains logs from old term which should be truncated,
// decrease _last_log_at_peer by one to test the right index to keep
if ( BAIDU_LIKELY ( r -> _next_index > 1 )) {
-- r -> _next_index;
// (1.3) 再发送空的 `AppendEntries` 请求进行探测
r -> _send_empty_entries ( false );
return ;
// (2) 返回成功响应,那么就代表探测成功,nextIndex 就是之前设置的(如 1.1),无需修改
// 这时候就调用 _send_entries 向 Follower 同步日志
r -> _send_entries ();
return ;
确定 nextIndex
就会调用 _send_entries
向 Follower 同步日志,直至 Follower 成功复制了 Leader 的所有日志后,将会注册一个 waiter
Copy void Replicator :: _send_entries () {
// (3) 如果已经复制了全部日志,调用 _wait_more_entries 后在后台等待
if ( request -> entries_size () == 0 ) {
return _wait_more_entries ();
// (1) 同步日志,并设置响应的回调函数为 _on_rpc_returned
google :: protobuf :: Closure * done = brpc :: NewCallback (
_on_rpc_returned , _id . value , cntl . get () ,
request . get () , response . get () , butil :: monotonic_time_ms ());
RaftService_Stub stub ( & _sending_channel);
stub . append_entries ( cntl . release () , request . release () ,
response . release () , done);
void Replicator :: _on_rpc_returned ( ReplicatorId id , brpc :: Controller * cntl ,
AppendEntriesRequest * request ,
AppendEntriesResponse * response ,
int64_t rpc_send_time) {
// (2) 成功同步一批日志,继续同步日志
r -> _send_entries ();
return ;
// (4) 注册一个 `waiter`,其回调函数是 `_continue_sending`
// 当有新日志到来时,这些 waiter 将被唤醒,并调用 `_continue_sending`
void Replicator :: _wait_more_entries () {
_wait_id = _options . log_manager -> wait (
_next_index - 1 , _continue_sending , ( void* ) _id . value);
// (5) Replicator 被唤醒,继续调用 `_send_entries` 发送日志
int Replicator :: _continue_sending ( void* arg , int error_code) {
r -> _send_entries ();
Copy #include <braft/raft.h>
void function ( op , callback ) {
butil :: IOBuf data;
serialize (op , & data);
braft :: Task task;
// The data applied to StateMachine
task . data = & data;
// Continuation when the data is applied to StateMachine or error occurs.
task . done = make_closure (callback);
// Reject this task if expected_term doesn't match the current term of
// this Node if the value is not -1
task . expected_term = expected_term;
return _node -> apply (task);
客户端需要将操作序列化成 IOBuf ,并构建一个 Task
向 braft::Node
Node 在收到 Task
后,会将其转换成 LogEntryAndClosure
并放入 ApplyQueue
中。至此,客户端的 apply 就完成返回了。ApplyQueue
也是个串行队列,由 BRPC ExecutionQueue 实现:
Copy void NodeImpl :: apply ( const Task & task) {
LogEntryAndClosure m;
m . entry = entry; // m.entry = task.data
m . done = task . done;
m . expected_term = task . expected_term;
if ( _apply_queue -> execute (m , & bthread :: TASK_OPTIONS_INPLACE , NULL ) != 0 ) {
的消费函数是 execute_applying_tasks
,在该函数中会将 LogEntryAndClosure
进行 bacth 打包处理,并调用批量 apply
Copy int NodeImpl :: execute_applying_tasks ( void* meta , bthread :: TaskIterator < LogEntryAndClosure > & iter) {
NodeImpl * m = (NodeImpl * )meta;
for (; iter; ++ iter) {
if (cur_size == batch_size) { // batch_size = 256
m -> apply (tasks , cur_size); // (2) 调用批量 apply 接口处理
cur_size = 0 ;
tasks [cur_size ++ ] = * iter; // (1) 批处理
批量 apply
接口在接收到这些 tasks
Copy void NodeImpl :: apply ( LogEntryAndClosure tasks[] , size_t size) {
std :: vector < LogEntry *> entries;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < size; ++ i) {
// (1)获取 LogEntryAndClosure 中的 LogEntry,并填充 term 和 type
entries . push_back ( tasks [i] . entry);
entries . back () -> id . term = _current_term;
entries . back () -> type = ENTRY_TYPE_DATA;
// (2) 追加日志对应的回调函数(LogEntryAndClosure 中的 Closure)
// 当日志被应用(on_apply)后会调用该 Closure
_ballot_box -> append_pending_task ( _conf . conf ,
_conf . stable () ? NULL : & _conf . old_conf ,
tasks [i] . done);
// (3)调用 `LogManager::append_entries` 接口进行追加日志,该接口:
// (3.1) 会对日志进行持久化存储,持久化完成后会调用回调函数 LeaderStableClosure,
// LeaderStableClosure 会调用 BallotBox::commit_at 将复制计数加一
// (3.2) 唤醒 `Replicator` 将日志发送给 Follower
// 每收到一个成功响应,都会调用 BallotBox::commit_at 将复制计数加一
// (3.3) 待日志复制数达到 `Quorum` 后,会提交该日志,并将其应用
_log_manager -> append_entries ( & entries ,
new LeaderStableClosure (
NodeId (_group_id , _server_id) ,
entries . size () ,
Copy void LogManager :: append_entries (std :: vector < LogEntry * > * entries , StableClosure * done) {
// (1) 为每一个 LogEntry 分配 index
if ( ! entries -> empty () && check_and_resolve_conflict (entries , done) != 0 ) {
return ;
// (2) 将日志追加到内存存储中
if ( ! entries -> empty ()) {
_logs_in_memory . insert ( _logs_in_memory . end () , entries -> begin () , entries -> end ());
// (3) 往 DiskQueue 中追加一个持久化的任务
// done: LeaderStableClosure
done -> _entries . swap ( * entries);
int ret = bthread :: execution_queue_execute (_disk_queue , done);
// (4) 唤醒所有 Replicator 向 Follower 同步日志
wakeup_all_waiter (lck);
分配 logIndex
调用 check_and_resolve_conflict
为每一个 LogEntry
分配 index
Copy int LogManager :: check_and_resolve_conflict (
std :: vector < LogEntry * > * entries , StableClosure * done) {
// 这个函数 Leader 和 Follower 都会调用,
// Leader 调用时日志的 index 都是没确定的(即是 0)
// last_log_index:当前 Leader 最后一条日志的 index
if ( entries -> front () -> id . index == 0 ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < entries -> size (); ++ i) {
( * entries)[i] -> id . index = ++ _last_log_index;
return 0 ;
} else {
的消费函数是 disk_thread
,在该函数中,会利用 AppendBatcher
对持久化任务做 Batch 打包处理,最终调用 AppendBatcher::flush
Copy int LogManager :: disk_thread ( void* meta ,
bthread :: TaskIterator < StableClosure * > & iter) {
LogManager * log_manager = static_cast< LogManager *> (meta);
StableClosure * storage [ 256 ];
AppendBatcher ab (storage , ARRAY_SIZE (storage) , & last_id , log_manager);
for (; iter; ++ iter) {
// ^^^ Must iterate to the end to release to corresponding
// even if some error has occurred
StableClosure * done = * iter;
if ( ! done -> _entries . empty ()) {
ab . append (done); // (1) Batch 处理
} else {
ab . flush (); // (2) 写入磁盘
ab . flush ();
return 0 ;
负责将数据写入磁盘,并调用最终的回调函数,具体的存储写入我们将在 <4.3 日志存储> 中详细介绍:
Copy class AppendBatcher {
public :
void flush () {
// (1) 最终会调用 `SegmentLogStorage::append_entries` 将日志写入磁盘
_lm -> append_to_storage ( & _to_append , _last_id , & metric);
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < _size; ++ i) {
// (2) 成功持久化后,调用回调函数,即 `LeaderStableClosure`
_storage [i] -> Run ();
void append (LogManager :: StableClosure * done) {
// FLAGS_raft_max_append_buffer_size 默认 256KB
if (_size == _cap ||
_buffer_size >= ( size_t )FLAGS_raft_max_append_buffer_size) {
flush ();
_storage [_size ++ ] = done;
_to_append . insert ( _to_append . end () ,
done -> _entries . begin () , done -> _entries . end ());
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < done -> _entries . size (); ++ i) {
_buffer_size += done -> _entries[i] -> data . length ();
待持久化成功后,会调用之前设置的回调函数 LeaderStableClosure::Run
,该函数会调用 BallotBox::commit_at
将对应日志的计数加一,详见以下小节 <提交日志>:
Copy void LeaderStableClosure :: Run () {
if ( status () . ok ()) {
_ballot_box -> commit_at (_first_log_index , _first_log_index + _nentries - 1 , _node_id . peer_id);
唤醒 Replicator
调用 wakeup_all_waiter
唤醒所有 Replicator
向 Follower 同步日志,Replicator
唤醒会调用 _continue_sending
继续发送 AppendEntries
Copy void LogManager :: wakeup_all_waiter (std :: unique_lock < raft_mutex_t > & lck) {
// (1) 清空 `wait_map`
for (butil :: FlatMap< int64_t , WaitMeta * > :: const_iterator
iter = _wait_map . begin (); iter != _wait_map . end (); ++ iter) {
wm [nwm ++ ] = iter -> second;
_wait_map . clear ();
// (2) 唤醒所有 `Replicator`
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nwm; ++ i) {
if ( bthread_start_background ( & tid , & attr , run_on_new_log , wm [i]) != 0 ) { ...
void* LogManager :: run_on_new_log ( void * arg) {
// wm: Replicator
// on_new_log: _continue_sending
wm -> on_new_log ( wm -> arg , wm -> error_code);
发送 AE
被唤醒后,会调用 _send_entries
发送 AppendEntries
Copy int Replicator :: _continue_sending ( void* arg , int error_code) {
r -> _send_entries ();
在 _send_entries
Copy void Replicator :: _send_entries () {
// (1) 填充 AppendEntries 请求
if ( _fill_common_fields ( request . get () , _next_index - 1 , false ) != 0 ) {
// (1.1) 如果发现 Follower 需要的日志(nextIndex)已经被快照压缩了
// 则向 Follower 发送安装快照指令
return _install_snapshot ();
// (2) 填充 AppendEntries 请求中的 entries 字段
for ( int i = 0 ; i < max_entries_size; ++ i) {
// (2.1) 调用 `_prepare_entry` 准备实际的日志数据
// 日志数据放在 RPC 请求的 attch 中
prepare_entry_rc = _prepare_entry (i , & em , & cntl -> request_attachment ());
if (prepare_entry_rc != 0 ) {
break ;
request -> add_entries () -> Swap ( & em);
// (3) 先更新 Follower 的 nextIndex
_next_index += request -> entries_size ();
// (4) 设置响应回调函数 _on_rpc_returned
google :: protobuf :: Closure * done = brpc :: NewCallback (_on_rpc_returned , ...);
// (5) 发送 AppendEntries 请求
RaftService_Stub stub ( & _sending_channel);
stub . append_entries ( cntl . release () , request . release () ,
response . release () , done);
// (6) 如果还有日志,则继续发送;否则注册 waiter 后,就在后台等待新日志到来
_wait_more_entries ();
函数负责填充 AppendEntries
请求中除 entries
Copy int Replicator :: _fill_common_fields ( AppendEntriesRequest * request ,
int64_t prev_log_index // matchIndex
bool is_heartbeat) {
const int64_t prev_log_term = _options . log_manager -> get_term (prev_log_index);
// (1) 查不到对应日志的 term,代表已经被快照压缩了
if (prev_log_term == 0 && prev_log_index != 0 ) {
return - 1 ;
// (2) 填充字段
request -> set_term ( _options . term);
request -> set_prev_log_index (prev_log_index);
request -> set_prev_log_term (prev_log_term);
request -> set_committed_index ( _options . ballot_box -> last_committed_index ()); // commitIndex
return 0 ;
处理 AE
Follower 接收到 AppendEntries
请求后,会调用 handle_append_entries_request
处理请求。其实 Follower 持久化逻辑和 Leader 是一样的,都是调用 LogManager::append_entries
Leader:回调函数是 LeaderStableClosure
;该回调函数主要是将 Quorum
Follower:回调函数是 FollowerStableClosure
;该回调函数主要是发送 AppendEntries
响应,并根据请求中携带的 Leader commitIndex
更新自身的 commitIndex
还有一个小的不同点是,Leader 端日志的 index
是自己生成的,而 Follower 中的日志完全来自于 Leader。
Copy void NodeImpl :: handle_append_entries_request (brpc :: Controller * cntl ,
const AppendEntriesRequest * request ,
AppendEntriesResponse * response ,
google :: protobuf :: Closure * done ,
bool from_append_entries_cache) {
// (1) 持久化成功后的回调函数
FollowerStableClosure * c = new FollowerStableClosure (
cntl , request , response , done_guard . release () ,
this , _current_term);
// (2) 追加日志
_log_manager -> append_entries ( & entries , c);
持久化成功后将运行回调函数 FollowerStableClosure::Run
Copy class FollowerStableClosure : public LogManager :: StableClosure {
public :
void Run () {
run ();
private :
void run () {
// (3) 发送响应
brpc :: ClosureGuard done_guard (_done);
_response -> set_success ( true );
_response -> set_term (_term);
// (1) 计算 commitIndex
const int64_t committed_index =
std :: min ( _request -> committed_index () ,
// ^^^ committed_index is likely less than the
// last_log_index
_request -> prev_log_index () + _request -> entries_size ()
// ^^^ The logs after the appended entries are
// untrustable so we can't commit them even if their
// indexes are less than request->committed_index()
// (2) 更新 commitIndex,并应用日志
//_ballot_box is thread safe and tolerates disorder.
_node -> _ballot_box -> set_last_committed_index (committed_index);
调用 set_last_committed_index
更新 commitIndex
Copy int BallotBox :: set_last_committed_index ( int64_t last_committed_index) {
if (last_committed_index > _last_committed_index . load (...)) {
// (1) 更新 `commitIndex`
_last_committed_index . store (last_committed_index , ...);
// (2) 调用 FSMCaller::on_committed 应用日志
// 注意,这里只是放队列里放入一个任务就返回了,
// 最终的 `on_apply` 回调由队列的消费函数调用
_waiter -> on_committed (last_committed_index);
return 0 ;
处理 AE
Leader 在收到 AppendEntries
RPC 失败:调用 _block
阻塞当前 Replicator
一段时间(默认 100 毫秒),超时后调用 _continue_sending
重新发送当前 AppendEntries
请求。出现这种情况一般是对应的 Follower Crash 了,需要不断重试直到其恢复正常或被剔除集群
响应失败:这里又细分为 2 种情况
Follower 的 term
比 leader
高:调用 increase_term_to
将自己 step_down
成 Follower,并以错误状态调用所有日志的回调函数,通知用户 apply
日志不匹配:重新探测 nextIndex
响应成功:调用 BallotBox::commit_at
Copy void Replicator :: _on_rpc_returned ( ReplicatorId id , brpc :: Controller * cntl ,
AppendEntriesRequest * request ,
AppendEntriesResponse * response ,
int64_t rpc_send_time) {
// 情况 1:RPC 请求失败
if ( cntl -> Failed ()) {
r -> _reset_next_index ();
return r -> _block (start_time_us , cntl -> ErrorCode ()); // 阻塞一段时间后再重试
// 情况 2:收到失败响应
if ( ! response -> success ()) {
// 2.1 如果发现 Follower 的日志 term 比 Leader 大
// 则调用 `increase_term_to` 将自己 step_down 成 Follower
// 并以错误状态调用所有日志的回调函数,表明用户 `apply` 失败
if ( response -> term () > r -> _options . term) {
butil :: Status status;
status . set_error (EHIGHERTERMRESPONSE , "Leader receives higher term "
" %s from peer: %s " , response -> GetTypeName () . c_str () , r -> _options . peer_id . to_string () . c_str ());
r -> _destroy ();
node_impl -> increase_term_to ( response -> term () , status);
return ;
// 2.2 发现发送的日志不匹配,需要重新探测 nextIndex
// 确定 nextIndex 后重新发送 Follower 需要的日志
if ( response -> last_log_index () + 1 < r -> _next_index) {
r -> _next_index = response -> last_log_index () + 1 ;
} else {
if ( BAIDU_LIKELY ( r -> _next_index > 1 )) {
-- r -> _next_index;
// 重新发送空的 AppendEntries 请求探测 nextIndex
r -> _send_empty_entries ( false );
return ;
// 情况 3:响应成功
if (entries_size > 0 ) {
r -> _options . ballot_box -> commit_at (
min_flying_index , rpc_last_log_index ,
r -> _options . peer_id);
函数处理失败的任务,调用 step_down
将自己降级成 Follower:
Copy int NodeImpl :: increase_term_to ( int64_t new_term , const butil :: Status & status) {
if (new_term <= _current_term) {
return EINVAL;
step_down (new_term , false , status);
return 0 ;
在 step_down
中会调用 BallotBox::clear_pending_tasks
,该函数将以失败状态调用所有用户任务的 Closure
Copy void NodeImpl :: step_down ( const int64_t term , bool wakeup_a_candidate ,
const butil :: Status & status) {
// (1) BallotBox::clear_pending_tasks
_ballot_box -> clear_pending_tasks ();
int BallotBox :: clear_pending_tasks () {
// (2) ClosureQueue::clear
_closure_queue -> clear ();
return 0 ;
void ClosureQueue :: clear () {
// (3) saved_queue 中保存的是用户任务的 Closure
for (std :: deque< Closure * > :: iterator
it = saved_queue . begin (); it != saved_queue . end (); ++ it) {
if ( * it) {
// (4) 运行用户任务的 Closure
( * it) -> status () . set_error (EPERM , "leader stepped down" );
run_closure_in_bthread_nosig ( * it , _usercode_in_pthread);
Leader 本地持久化成功或每成功复制日志给一个 Follower,都会调用 BallotBox::commit_at
将对应日志的复制计数加一,如果达到 Quorum
,则更新 commitIndex
Copy int BallotBox :: commit_at (
int64_t first_log_index , int64_t last_log_index , const PeerId & peer) {
// (1) 将 index 在 [first_log_index, last_log_index] 之间的日志计数加一
int64_t last_committed_index = 0 ;
const int64_t start_at = std :: max (_pending_index , first_log_index);
Ballot :: PosHint pos_hint;
for ( int64_t log_index = start_at; log_index <= last_log_index; ++ log_index) {
Ballot & bl = _pending_meta_queue [log_index - _pending_index];
pos_hint = bl . grant (peer , pos_hint);
if ( bl . granted ()) { // (2) 该日志已经达到 `Quorum`,保存 commitIndex
last_committed_index = log_index;
if (last_committed_index == 0 ) {
return 0 ;
_pending_index = last_committed_index + 1 ;
// (3) 更新 commitIndex
_last_committed_index . store (last_committed_index , butil :: memory_order_relaxed);
// (4) 调用 FSMCaller::do_committed 开始应用日志
// The order doesn't matter
_waiter -> on_committed (last_committed_index);
return 0 ;
当日志复制数已达到 Quorum
,则调用 FSMCaller::on_committed
应用日志,该函数会将应用任务放如串行队列 ApplyTaskQueue
也是个串行队列,由 BRPC ExecutionQueue 实现:
Copy int FSMCaller :: on_committed ( int64_t committed_index) {
ApplyTask t;
t . type = COMMITTED;
t . committed_index = committed_index;
return bthread :: execution_queue_execute (_queue_id , t);
的消费函数是 FSMCaller::run
,在该函数中会对应用任务进行 Bacth 打包,并调用 FSMCaller::do_committed
Copy int FSMCaller :: run ( void* meta , bthread :: TaskIterator < ApplyTask > & iter) {
for (; iter; ++ iter) {
if ( iter -> type == COMMITTED && counter < batch_size) {
// (1) Batch 打包
if ( iter -> committed_index > max_committed_index) {
max_committed_index = iter -> committed_index;
counter ++ ;
} else {
// (2) 调用 `do_committed` 进行批处理
if (max_committed_index >= 0 ) {
caller -> _cur_task = COMMITTED;
caller -> do_committed (max_committed_index);
max_committed_index = - 1 ;
counter = 0 ;
在 do_committed
函数中会将这批应用任务生成迭代器 braft::iterator ,并将其作为参数调用用户状态机的 on_apply
,待这批日志全部被 on_apply
后,再更新 applyIndex
。最后调用 LogManager::set_applied_id
Copy void FSMCaller :: do_committed ( int64_t committed_index) {
// (1) 生产迭代器 Iterator
IteratorImpl iter_impl (_fsm , _log_manager , ...);
for (; iter_impl . is_good ();) {
Iterator iter ( & iter_impl);
_fsm -> on_apply (iter); // (2) 调用状态机的 on_apply
iter . next ();
// (3) 更新 applyIndex
LogId last_applied_id (last_index , last_term);
_last_applied_index . store (committed_index , butil :: memory_order_release);
_last_applied_term = last_term;
// (4) 删除内存中的日志
_log_manager -> set_applied_id (last_applied_id);
调用 set_applied_id
删除内存中的日志。注意,不删除 Leader 未持久化的日志,即使其已被 apply
Copy void LogManager :: set_applied_id ( const LogId & applied_id) {
if (applied_id < _applied_id) {
return ;
// _disk_id:已经持久化的日志 Id
// _applied_id:已经应用的日志 Id
// 正常情况下,_applied_id >= _disk_id
// 但是为了性能考虑,实现中只要复制数达到 `Quorum` 就可以提交日志,即使 Leader 未持久化
// 所以可能出现日志已经被 apply 了,但是 Leader 还没有持久化
_applied_id = applied_id;
LogId clear_id = std :: min (_disk_id , _applied_id);
return clear_memory_logs (clear_id);
Copy void LogManager :: clear_memory_logs ( const LogId & id) {
LogEntry * entries_to_clear [ 256 ];
size_t nentries = 0 ;
do {
nentries = 0 ;
while ( ! _logs_in_memory . empty ()
&& nentries < ARRAY_SIZE (entries_to_clear)) {
LogEntry * entry = _logs_in_memory . front ();
if ( entry -> id > id) {
break ;
entries_to_clear [nentries ++ ] = entry;
_logs_in_memory . pop_front ();
} // out of _mutex
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nentries; ++ i) {
entries_to_clear [i] -> Release ();
} while (nentries == ARRAY_SIZE (entries_to_clear));